The phospholipid bilayer is the basic structure of the cell membrane, and the fluidity of the cell membrane along with the various proteins and molecules within it play a key role in maintaining cellular functions.
To better understand these structures and their functions, I have created several handcrafted models, including those representing the phospholipid bilayer, channel proteins, integral proteins, peripheral proteins, globular proteins, carbohydrates, and glycoproteins.
These models are suitable for biology courses, especially when teaching cell biology and biochemistry. They are designed to help students gain a deeper understanding of the composition and functions of the cell membrane through the display of physical models, enhancing the interactivity and fun of teaching.
1 磷脂双分子层模型 Phospholipid Bilayer Model
Features: This model demonstrates the double-layer structure composed of phospholipid molecules, with each phospholipid molecule consisting of a hydrophilic head and two hydrophobic tails.
Function: It simulates the basic framework of the cell membrane, demonstrating the position and structure of the bilayer within the cell.
2 通道蛋白模型 Channel Protein Model
Features: This model displays protein channels embedded in the phospholipid bilayer, simulating the channels through which substances pass through the cell membrane.
Function: It helps to understand how substances, such as ions and water molecules, pass in and out of the cell membrane through selective channels.
3 整合蛋白模型 Integral Protein Model
Features: This model displays integral proteins that span the bilayer, simulating the interaction between cells and their external environment.
Function: It demonstrates the role of integral proteins in signal transduction, intercellular connections, and interactions with the extracellular matrix.
4 螺旋蛋白模型 Helical Protein Model
Features: This model displays proteins with α-helical structures, simulating their role in the cell membrane.
Function: It helps to understand the importance of this protein structure in the stability and function of the cell membrane.
5 球蛋白模型 和外周蛋白 Globular Protein Model and Peripheral Protein
Features: This model displays globular proteins, simulating their functions inside and outside the cell.
Function: It helps to understand the role of globular proteins in immune responses and the regulation of cellular functions.
6 碳水化合物模型 Carbohydrate Model
Features: This model displays carbohydrate molecules on the cell membrane.
Function: It helps to understand the role of these molecules in cell recognition and signal transduction.
7 糖蛋白模型 Glycoprotein Model
Features: This model displays membrane proteins with glycosylation, simulating their functions in cell recognition and signal transduction.
Function: It helps to understand the role of glycoproteins in cell recognition, immune responses, and cellular communication.
收纳盒抽屉组装说明 Assembly Instructions for Storage Box with Drawers:
You can choose to install magnets to make the drawers more secure. The recommended magnets are 5x2mm, but I found them to be slightly smaller than expected. For installation, you can use a hard object to press the magnets into place to secure them.
收纳盒抽屉组装说明 Assembly Instructions for Storage Box with Drawers:
以上均是根据文献资料制作的,如果其中有描述不当或可以改进的地方,请留言或者私信告诉我,我会非常重视并积极进行修改。谢谢大家的理解与支持!The above was created based on reference materials. If there are any inaccuracies or areas for improvement, please leave a comment or send me a private message. I will take your feedback seriously and make the necessary changes. Thank you for your understanding and support!
【流动镶嵌模型 磷脂双分子层 3D打印 制作 手工 科普 教具 讲解】 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1wbYdeMEsf/?share_source=copy_web&vd_source=b41227a07ecae817dc07f54fb1dbfa8e
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